Overcoming Anxiety

Overcoming Anxiety What is anxiety and how can you use your brain to overcome it? What is Anxiety? Anxiety is an emotion. Emotions exist to guide us about how to react to different situations. The purpose of anxiety is to warn us to get ready for some future threat....

Ten Steps To Overcoming Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a serious problem but is often made worse by misinformation, negative attitudes and beliefs, outdated ideas, negative emotions. It is recognised that chronic pain is often mismanaged, not because we lack adequate treatments, but because of fear and...

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Buy on iTunes The New Change Your Brain, Change Your Pain (2016) iTunes Edition Based on the latest insights from brain science, the new revised edition of ‘Change Your Brain Change Your Pain’ offers a combination of insightful information and practical...

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Buy on Kobo The New Change Your Brain, Change Your Pain (2016) Kobo Edition Based on the latest insights from brain science, the new revised edition of ‘Change Your Brain Change Your Pain’ offers a combination of insightful information and practical...

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Terms and Conditions Terms and Conditions Upon purchasing any of Mark Grant’s eBooks or instant download digital audio files you agree that: 1.  All of these products are Copyright protected to Mark Grant, MA. 2.  You will not share copies of his eBooks or...