Self Evaluation

The Stress Risk Factors Questionnaire (below) will help you determine how much the effects of stress are likely to be contributing to your pain. This questionnaire is based on recognized stress questionnaires such as the Beck Depression Inventory, the PCL_C and the Toronto Alexithymia Scale.

Read each statement carefully and place a tick in the box to indicate whether that statement is ‘true’ or false (‘not true’). Try to answer in terms of how you really feel rather than what you think is the right thing to say or how you wish things had been. In other words, be honest—no one else is going to see what you say. After you have completed the questionnaire, you will find a scoring key which will help you match up your results with the relevant treatment elements.

Self Help Questions

Take this self help questionnaire and refer to Mark’s book Change Your Brain, Change Your Pain for helpful guidance targeted specifically for your pain problems.  Kindle edition now available!

Change Your Brain, Change Your Pain Kindle Edition