Self Evaluation Results

Thank you for taking the Chronic Pain Risk Factors Questionaire.  The Questions and your answers have been emailed to you at the email address you selected.  Feel free to print it out and refer to it for your self help treatment, or to discuss it with your Doctor or therapist.

How to evaluate the questionnaire results

The 34-items are divided into seven sections. Each set of  questions assess a different type or effect of stress. To assess your risk-factor levels, give yourself one point for each ‘true’ response in the scoring key below (Fig. 4.2).

Write your total number of true responses for each risk factor in the right hand column of the scoring key.

For example, if you answered ‘true’ to two items in questions 1-5, your score for ‘Emotional neglect’ would be ‘2’. If you answered ‘not true’ to all questions 6-10, your score for ‘Trauma’ would be ‘0’ and so on.

 Questions  Scoring Key  Total
 1 – 5  Emotional Neglect
 6 – 10  Childhood Trauma
 11 – 15  Safety and Support
 16 – 20  Increased physiological arousal
 21 – 25  Emotional disconnection
 26 – 30  Negative thinking/‘Catastrophizing’
 31 – 34  Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Figure 4.2

Download and Print the Scoring Key


Overcoming Pain Scoring Key
Overcoming Pain Scoring Key
You can download and print the above Table if you wish to tally your answers.


Once you have completed scoring the questionnaire, evaluate your pain and stress risk factors as follows:

  1. A score of two or more for any individual risk factor means you are affected by that risk factor to a significant degree, such that it is likely to be contributing to your pain and stress.
  2. A score of three-plus means that risk factor is likely to be contributing severely to your pain and stress.
  3. In addition, if your score was two or more for either or both of the first two risk factors (‘when I was young’), and you scored two or more for any of the second five factors (‘now’), your stress risk for pain is even greater.
  4. If you didn’t score highly on any one risk factor, but your total score was five or more, you should still consider you overall stress risk levels as significant.

Planning your treatment

The next step is to use your results to develop your own stress/pain treatment program, using the strategies in my book Change Your Brain, Change Your Pain. This simply involves matching up your stress-risk factors with the relevant self-help strategies described in the book.

  • Emotional neglect/childhood trauma (q’s 1-10)

If you scored two or more for either of these risk factors, you have been exposed to one of the leading risk factors for chronic pain. In addition to learning how to control stressful feelings and pain, you should focus on the chapters dealing with;

safety and support (ch. 5),

reconnecting with your feelings (ch. 6), and

resilience (ch.11).

  • Safety and support (q’s 11-15)

If you scored two or more for this risk factor, you have insufficient safety and support. In addition to learning how to control stressful feelings and pain, you should focus on the chapters dealing with;

safety and support (ch. 5),

building resilience (ch. 12).

  • Increased physiological arousal

If your scored two or more for this risk factor, it is likely that you are suffering from the effects of increased physiological arousal and you should focus on the chapters concerning;

safety and support (ch. 5),

reconnecting with feelings (ch.6),

controlling stressful feelings (ch. 7),

sleep (ch. 8) and possibly,

resolving trauma (ch.10).

  • Emotional disconnection

If you scored two or more for this risk factor, it is likely that emotional disconnection is contributing to your pain and stress and you should focus on the chapters dealing with;

safety and support (ch. 5),

reconnecting with feelings (ch. 6).

  • Negative thinking/‘Catastrophizing’

If you scored two or more for this risk factor, negative attitudes and thinking patterns are likely to be exacerbating your pain and stress and you should focus on the chapters dealing with;

safety and support (ch.5)

controlling stressful feelings (ch.7 ) and,

changing your thinking (ch. 9).

  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

If you scored two or more for this risk factor, it is likely that symptoms of post-traumatic stress are exacerbating your pain and you should focus on the chapters dealing with;

safety and support (ch. 5),

reconnecting with your feelings (ch. 6),

controlling stressful feelings (ch. 7),

resolving trauma (ch. 10) and,

building resilience (ch. 11).

Now on Kindle

Change Your Brain Change Your Pain Kindle Edition

Treatment Planning Chart

Below you will find a treatment planning chart (Fig. 4.4) where you can match your risk factors with the treatment strategies you need to concentrate on. Place a tick in the box for each self-help strategy indicated by your results to the stress risk factors questionnaire. Feel free to include any additional elements which you may feel you need. For example, sleep-management is often an issue for sufferers of severe stress and pain. Use this figure to help you co-ordinate your overall treatment. There is also a blank column at the end which you can use for any additional elements of treatment not mentioned here. For example, you may feel dissatisfied with the medical treatment you have been receiving, but done nothing about it. Finding a good doctor who you feels understands you is a vital pre-requisite to using psychological methods for managing your pain and associated stress. Remember that each step builds on the one before it, so you should learn the steps in the order in which they are presented.


 Self-help strategy  Safety & Support  Reconnecting with your feelings Controlling stressful emotions  Changing your thinking  Resolving trauma  Building Resilience
 Risk factor
 Emotional neglect
 Childhood trauma
 Safety and support
 Increased physiological arousal
 Emotional disconnection
 Negative thinking
 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Fig. 4.4 Planning your treatment

As you can see, knowing which stress risk factors are contributing to your pain and stress enables you to know which strategies and skills you need to focus on most to resolve your problems.


Download the Treatment Planning Chart

Treatment Planning Chart
Treatment Planning Chart
You can download a copy of the above chart to print.